Hosted By Imani Nikyah
In "Black Lady Goddess", a satirical Afrofuturistic series set in the year 2040, humans have discovered that God is a Black woman, and reparations of $455,000 have been issued to each person of African descent. In this brave new world, a young activist, Ifeoma Johnson, comes into her own. Black Lady Goddess is heavily inspired by the creation stories of the Dogon Tribe, an ancient tribe living in Mali, West Africa. For decades this tribe has mystified modern-day scientists who have a hard time explaining how the Dogon tribe’s precise and ancient kknowledge of the cosmos was centuries ahead of the knowledge of “the great” Western Astronomers. In many cases their assertions about the cosmos were only proven by advances in quantum physics in the early 20th century. The Dogon tribe credit their advance knowledge of astronomy to information given to them by an alien race called the Nommos who visited earth many years ago. They originated from the Sirius B star, which is where the kingdom of Black Lady Goddess resides.
Director: Chelsea Odufu is an award winning Nigerian, Guyanese and American filmmaker who fuses her passion for culture and Afrofuturism to highlight the uniqueness of underrepresented groups on screen.